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Article Inna Supac

Moldova’s National Security Strategy and societal cohesion

The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has had severe implications for security perceptions, discourses and internal societal dynamics, in particular in countries in the Russian Federation’s immediate vicinity. Viewed in terms of the ‘ontology of security’, the invasion was a paradigmatic rupture for the entire region, which as well as reinforcing longstanding fears, has given rise to new threats and insecurities. Countries in Russia’s neighbourhood have reacted differently to the new security context. However, there are also commonalities that this report seeks to carve out. In some states, societal cohesion and national unity have increased as a result of the war; in others, existing divisions have been aggravated and societies are polarised on the issue of the war itself or Russia more broadly.

Supac, Inna (2024): Moldova’s National Security Strategy and societal cohesion, in: Douglas, Nadja (Ed.): Old Fears and New Threats: Insecurity and Societal Cohesion in Russia’s Neighbourhood, in: Security Report Series, 2024 (1), Kon Koop at Centre for East European and International Studies (ZoiS) gGmbH, pp.22-26.