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Author: Lisa Hartmann

The African Axis and a World in Need for Open-Minded Partnerships

Associate fellow Nene-Lomotey Kuditchar talks about his outlook on world politics from Ghana. With many different conflicts and crises that are regarded as a new era of geopolitics, tensions between Western states and rising powers such as China are palpable. Alliances, competition and cooperation simultaneously shape world politics where states and regions try to find …

Lunch Meeting @ IDOS

Two of our current research fellows, Albert Ahenkan and Samuel Weniga Anuga, presented their joint project on Weaponized Interdependence and Renewable Energy Transitions in Africa-Europe Relations: Impact of the EU Green Deal on 18th of April at Bonn‘s IDOS (German Institute of Development and Sustainability).

Five Strategies to Tackle Disinformation

A guide by our Associate Fellow and Fact-checker Szilárd Teczár With the elections for the European parliament coming up in June, official media channels as well as social media platforms are important sources of information for voters on which to base their decisions.

Fellow Hüseyin Çiçek at the NRW-Turkey Parliamentary Group

On Thursday, February 29, AIA Fellow Hüseyin Cicek presented the key findings of his research project “Integration. Perspectives for NRW and Germany” in the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia at a meeting of the NRW-Turkey parliamentary group chaired by Rainer Schmeltzer, Vice President of the state parliament. Cicek emphasized right at the beginning that Islam …

Narratives of religious actors on the Ukraine war

Katharina McLarren presented parts of her Post-Doc project. Prior to the Colloquium, she had circulated a paper on the current status of her research, which she presented and which was discussed intensively by the Fellows. She explained that the religious leaders reacted very differently after the Russian invasion of Ukraine: The Shiite Ayatollah blamed the …

Transparency and freedom of Information in the European institutions

The Case of the Rule of Law Dialogue with Hungary Szilárd Teczár examines the rule of law dialog between the EU institutions and his home country Hungary. He is researching documents and correspondence in response to requests for freedom of information and gave a veritable workshop report during the colloquium. In addition to the content …

Book Presentation – Handbook of Political Islam in Europe

On October 20, 2023, the Academy for International Politics NRW hosted a book presentation that brought together prominent figures from the fields of academia and local politics. The focal point of this event was the book “Handbook of Political Islam in Europe,” published by Thomas Jäger and Ralph Thiele in Springer. The guests received a …

Interview with Dr. Mayssoun Zein Al Din on French-German relations

„Even though France and Germany are not coordinating in light of global challenges, the friendship between those two countries remains important to the European Union and the visit of our Federal President might set a new impulse” summarizes our Director, Dr. Zein Al Din. On the occasion of the visit of Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of …