This innovative Routledge Handbook sheds light on the complex and transformative nature of Global China, prompting a re- evaluation of existing theories on global and regional dynamics. It encourages theoretical innovation, methodological reflection and analytical transformation, providing new avenues for critical engagement with China’s global interactions. The chapters propose three key commitments for the study…
This chapter examines how African inter-state relations are shaped by the crisis management initiatives of African International Organizations using the case of the Economic Community of West African States. It leverages the insights of cybernetic politics and heterarchy to decentre the dominant heuristic of hierarchy in the framing of intra-African international politics given that it…
How do countries’ strategic narratives (SNs) evolve during conflicts? Are changes in sentiment in diplomatic communication related to kinetic developments? This paper assesses Russian rhetoric toward Ukraine from 2004 to 2019 by qualitatively and quantitively analyzing nearly 3,000 statements by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During this time, Russian identity narratives changed from projecting…
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This paper illustrates how studying the evolution of strategic narratives – stories that states tell in their diplomatic communication to convince publics at home and abroad to frame their views and actions – can provide valuable insights into diplomatic developments. Rhetorical shifts often precede political shifts and can help identify opportunities to influence foreign policy.…
In this discussion paper, I introduce a new methodological approach in the form of a framework for assessing women’s empowerment in foreign affairs. This framework aims to provide new theoretical and methodological pathways for evaluating the impact of women’s increased presence in foreign policy institutions on the content and implementation of foreign policy. The proposed…
The combination of terms of religion, war, and international relations might at first conjure associations with past historic events such as the Thirty Years’ War. But they could also trigger associations with recent examples, such as the Russian Orthodox Church addressing the United Nations Security Council during the ongoing Ukraine War or hundreds of Jewish…
In dieser zweiten Ausgabe unseres Magazins finden Sie zahlreiche Artikel und Interviews, die sich mit aktuellen Konflikten sowie mit Vorschlägen für Wege in der Weltpolitik befassen. Die Rolle der ost- und mitteleuropäischen Staaten angesichts von Russlands Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine ist erneut ein zentrales Thema, das wir aus verschiedenen Perspektiven beleuchten. Gleiches gilt für die…
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, reactions by religious leaders have differed greatly, with the Shia Ayatollah blaming the United States for the war, the Catholic Pope calling the United Nations “impotent,” and the Dalai Lama stating that “war is outdated.” But has there been a change in any of these religious narratives…
The full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 has had severe implications for security perceptions, discourses and internal societal dynamics, in particular in countries in the Russian Federation’s immediate vicinity. Viewed in terms of the ‘ontology of security’, the invasion was a paradigmatic rupture for the entire region, which as well as reinforcing longstanding fears,…
Russia’s full-scale invasion and war of aggression against Ukraine has, in addition to all the destruction, grief and terror for the people concerned, unravelled the profound instability in what has conventionally been understood as the world order. The annual publication CBEES State of the Region report focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet…
Miközben a kormány szerint „Brüsszel” akadályozta a tanárok béremelését, az általunk megszerzett dokumentumokból az derül ki, az Európai Bizottság kifejezetten támogatta, hogy a tanárok EU-s pénzből kapjanak fizetésemelést. Méghozzá nagyobbat és gyorsabban, mint ami a kormány eredeti tervében szerepelt.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.
Bewerben Sie sich noch bis zum 14. Februar 2022 für ein 1 bis 10-monatiges Fellowship-Programm in der Academy of International Affairs NRW in Bonn.